I love a good villain. They can and do and should exist. The only
problem we face is there are not enough of them. Disagree? Because for
all their faults, villains break the facade. Villains poke at the myth
that humans are "innately good," which is merely a mistaken assumption
for the reality that cooperation with others aids self-preservation. A
common complaint with writing is that villains are almost always more
interesting. The problem is good and purity are simple. Meanwhile,
villains have horrendous self-justifications and traits but with it,
they have a few good points. There's entire online communities dedicated
to the idea that Thanos did nothing wrong. We're familiar with the yin
and yang. Most know the second most popular book after The Bible.
Technology: more dangerous then, or now
despise Stephen Pinker's simplistic, forward-looking, forced optimism
he maintains to sell books. Yes, because of technology, things are
people more safe and predictable on a day-to-day basis. Because of
cameras and the easy travel of information, it's harder to get away with
things. Serial killers like so many other things are all but retired
thanks to advances in technology. The cult leader is an endangered
species because now you can double check their claims of a space-gate
created by aliens. Jim Jones killed over 900 people convincing
them to drink cyanide-poisoned Flavor Aid. It's reasonable to assume
this type of crime would be difficult to pull off in the era of
cellphones and lightning quick media dissemination. It's easy to draw a
conclusion that the world is made safer by this proliferation of
technology. This may not be the case.
Imagine this as a thought
experiment. I will use two examples to please both sides of the unhinged
political isles. Antivaxxers: imagine a media personality shilling
minimally-tested vaccine use to the masses to cause harm and/or for
personal gain. Provaxxers: imagine a media personality advocating
against vaccine use to the masses to cause harm and/or for personal
gain. Now keep in mind even the most sound science is contested and
repeated proof is integral to the process. New science by its nature
will be hotly contested and more so if its in light of a global health
crisis where time is paramount. Also keep in mind in the U.S. as example
trust in government institutions has been around 20% for a long time
(Pew Research), this is not the domain of a fringe political party, it
represents the vast majority. In this environment, what is the equation
for how much damage one media personality can cause? I imagine it's not quantifiable. But if thousands can be willingly convinced to poison
themselves with detergent as happened with the "Tide Pod challenge," I
believe a motivated person with a platform of millions and a good enough
narrative could outdo the mere 900 deaths of Jonestown by multiples.
Speech: more dangerous consolidated, or free
speech I believe is the most important thing to secure but I also
understand the trepidation against it, and the hysterical headlines
associated with it. Sure, people kill people, and guns more efficiently,
but the propaganda of say, "stopping the spread of Communism" is what
sold the ideological motivation to do it at a mass scale. The
proliferation of the internet is free speech incarnate. If you
were born into the ruling class and powers that be, free speech should
terrify you. Why wouldn't it, it means upheavals, it means any injustice
that created your comfort may be exposed, and the more well-off you
are, the more you're under the microscope of the down-trodden and dispossessed. Also, because of you're privilege, it's harder to see their
point of view, or how you too could benefit from a more balanced
society. Think of it this way: would you rather be the richest man in a
war-torn country with no running water, or an average man in an
apartment with WiFi. Kim Jung-un may run his own country, but I imagine
most people from western countries wouldn't trade into his poor infrastructure, isolationist position if they are even moderately wealthy.
The internet provided a balancing and reshuffling of power.
More accurately, though, it came in conjunction with the cellphone, its
pictures and videos, and the ease of data distribution. You can mark the
beginning in 2007-8 with the release of the first iPhone and social
media platform Facebook inching closer to critical mass. In November
2006 comedian Michael Richards went on a racist tirade that was recorded
on a low-quality cellphone video, sparking likely the first instance of
"cancel culture" as we know it today. With this technology rose content
creators and their own personal brands each with their armies of fans.
The strength of the internet, by some, can be seen as a weakness. With
podcasts, blogs, and streamers, everyone has access. Even the nastiest
personalities have a contingency to make profit via crypto. This dynamic
causes discomfort and contention between different factions in the
largest social platform ever created, where people argue how to police
and vie for power while promoting themselves in what could aptly be
called an information war.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones once famously and astutely
described himself with, "I'm kinda retarded." It's notable because
"retarded" itself as a word is on dividing line between what's proper and poor taste.
Alex Jones himself seems to be the battleground between appreciation
for free thought and ironic veneration versus censorship and fear for
speech to cause real world harm. What makes Alex Jones compelling is not
that he's crazy, the mentally ill screaming in a padded cell won't
sustain a crowd, it's that he's precisely half-crazy. When you're
half-crazy you have the unpredictability that makes you indefinitely
compelling. Here you have a figure who has undoubtedly caused harm in
the world that's quantifiable and by his own admission. The related matter is
how much importance we place on individual human agency. Perhaps Alex
through naming names triggered the pre-disposed to harass families of
Sandy Hook, but it does not seem intentional and does seemed informed by
his own mental illness. The fevered fight over words makes itself
apparent in the lawsuits. If there was criminal negligence on an aircraft
a payout per death would max at $500,000 on the high-end. The successful
suit against Jones for causing distress reached a verdict of about one
billion dollars, indicating to anyone of sane mind a failure of justice.
didn't shy away from controversy even as his trials remain on-going, he
hosted Ye. The new mainstream liberal thought is there are
no benevolent billionaires, and billionaires shouldn't exist. If this is
true, they should love Ye. He rejected billionaire status, after all. I
recognize him as a villain but can't help but admire him. He did what
we all preach and espouse which is to shun money and material
possessions in the name of integrity and personal beliefs, it just so
happens many of his are reprehensible. He's a racist, a tragic figure, refreshingly honest. He trolled with intentionally inflammatory language
suggesting his love for Hitler and the Nazis, under the guise of
"loving everyone." Clearly, he's attention-seeking, amusing himself, and
to some degree believes anti-Semitic tropes. But his sin at the end of
the day is merely speaking his mind which contains incredibly ignorant insights. The ownership of
any hateful act he inspires, though, lies within that individual. Chris Brown
beat a beloved black artist and can still tour America, I doubt Ye the
same. Many with domestic violence charges rebound. George Floyd was exalted of horrendous crimes upon his death. Many people beat, kill,
steal, or sexually assault, and receive more empathy than a
man who's merely a wrong and outspoken bigot.
Ye's downward spiral he kept in close touch with other undesirables.
One was Nick Fuentes, a hispanic white supremacist and self-professed
incel who is canceled by banks, on a no-fly list, and hosts a popular
show from his parent's basement. I find his unhinged, petty hatreds
compelling to listen to in small doses. Reviewer Roger Ebert once said,
“The Birth of a Nation is not a bad film because it argues for evil. It
is a great film that argues for evil.” There is an equal elegance for a
bad cause here. Nick is young, bright, charismatic and attuned to irony,
making a lot of his reprehensible beliefs memefied and digestible to
his audience. He reminds me of a young David Duke, the hate coursing
through his ice-cold veins not yet crystalized and deforming his face
into something demonic and unrecognizable. It will likely get there. Why
free speech is important is that bubbles like these will form
unchallenged and hence grow in strength and numbers to zero defense or counterargument. There's also a
cynicism in throwing these people aside, as total cancellation
suggestions that those wrong cannot change. When I see Nick I see a
projection of isolation, an island made by his own intelligence, too stunted by alienation or insecurity or sexual hangups. He reeks of someone who sought acceptance and mentorship, was met with rejection, and tripled down into an even more hateful mess for validation and attention.
Roger Stone, Stefan Molyneux, Martin Skhreli, and the rest
Who could not love Roger Stone, the deranged drug-using bisexual, with Richard Nixon tattooed on his back, seething, shouting and grinding to teeth to nubs during the videos of his deposition? Or Molyneux, whose hate and insistence on IQ and genetics undermines the fact both his parents were institutionalized. Who could not admire Milo Yiannopoulos's feeble attempts to rage-bait himself back into relevance, or the way his legitimate intelligence tries to fight a worldview at odds with his sexuality. Who could not like Steve Bannon (#BanosDidNothingWrong) as he fights for the Little Man with his background in Harvard Business School and Goldman Sachs, using Bill Clinton's rape victims to undermine his wife's presidential aspirations, or trying to arbitrage digital assets in World of Warcraft. Who could not be charmed by the self-persecution and the unconscious self-parody of Andrew Tate. Who is not a fan of Martin Shkreli's attempt to make blatant the fraud that is generally par-the-course for American business.
The age of the villain
Villains are important, and not only
because they are an inevitable bi-product of free society. A smart
citizen will understand "the cost of liberty is eternal vigilance." It's
a heavy cost, but preferable to the cost of a life suffering from a
total lack of spontaneity and surprise that a focus on safety and surveillance would entail—an ever-encroaching
movement where every aspect of life is tabulated, categorized, and rendered inert. The distinguishing element in my chosen villains, is they exhibit a form of honesty about their villainy, if not forthright then by the brazenness and transparency of their behavior. Villains exist no less predictably than predators in wilderness. Unlike those predators, they operate camouflaged and cloaked from discovery, in a trend that's slowly changing with the increased access of information. Not only is this preferable from a diagnostic perspective, the world is more interesting when it shows its cards.